September 2014
NOTE: I just read the new book ' Total Liberation !The Power and Promise of Animal Rights and the Radical Earth Movement' by David Pellow and was blown away and really grateful for it. I think it is valuable in validating some of the thoughts within the the radical animal rights and environmental movements and how they contain the philosophies of anarchy, anti-capitalism and power sharing within them. In this book David Pellow book covers with detail some of the undercurrents in anarchism, the animals rights and radical environmental movements as well as the effects the Green Scare on these movements. He captured the zeitgeist of the last few years and gives distilled thoughts to how these movements are calling for total liberation of all species and the natural world as no others. I am not just promoting it because I am included, but because I think its a good resource.
Featured interviews: Rod Coronado, scott crow, Gina Lynn, Josh Harper, Lauren Regan, Jake Conroy, Kim Marks, Tre Arrow, Daniel McGowan, Chris Irwin and others.
In Total Liberation, David Naguib Pellow takes up this claim and makes sense of the often tense and violent relationships among humans, ecosystems, and nonhuman animal species, expanding our understanding of inequality and activists’ uncompromising efforts to oppose it. Grounded in interviews with activists, on-the-spot fieldwork, and analyses of thousands of pages of documents, websites, journals, and zines, Total Liberation reveals the ways in which radical environmental and animal rights movements challenge inequity through a vision they call “total liberation.”
by David Naguib Pellow
scott crow appears within
Released fall 2014