Aug 2014
Feel free to copy and distribute everywhere
Below is the original longer note originally posted on Facebook.
And while we're on the subject of 'reform'. The police apparatus will NEVER be reformed or ever held accountable in any true meaningful way. There will never be justice, there will never be equality, or a dismantling of the militarization of the police. They have always been an occupying force, and now are more and more becoming an occupying army with the help of more' toys' left over from the international wars sold to local police by corporations acting as modern gun runners. There will never be a kinder, gentler police. The racism and classism is institutionalized within its systems. They will always side with Power at the expense of more marginalized communities. It is us and them. All of us, even those not directly affected, must call for a dismantling of these occupational forces and systems in our neighborhoods, and our cities from coast to coast and begin the hard long collective self reflections on how we are going to take care of our own disputes, grievances and infractions within our communities without an occupying force that upholds Power.
-- scott crow